Oakdale are registered with the CQC. The information above will update following our first inspection.
Click here to see our wait times.
The following people, who are not already accessing ADHD Medication elsewhere:
We are working in close partnership with West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) to manage the mobilisation of the new NHS ADHD Medication service effectively and safely. We have agreed with West Yorkshire ICB, that we will start the new NHS ADHD medication service with a phased approach. There are a number of steps in this process, under the title West Yorkshire ICB Mobilisation.
Oakdale’s professionals work with you to ensure the use of medication is the right choice for you / your child. Where Oakdale feels medication may be an unsafe option or not appropriate, Oakdale will recommend alternative treatments to support you / your child.
Oakdale’s ADHD Medication service is only able to prescribe medications for ADHD. We do not prescribe sleep medications, such as melatonin.
Click Here to see how our Self Funded ADHD Medication Service works and what you can expect.
Click Here to see how our NHS ADHD Medication Service works and what you can expect.
It is expected that any non-medication recommendations, following diagnosis, from your / your child’s diagnostic report are being followed. These are sometimes called environmental recommendations.
* We are unable to prescribe for clients who are pregnant, intending to become pregnant or breastfeeding due to clinical risk.
You will need a copy of your ADHD diagnostic report before referral.
If your diagnostic assessment was not carried out by Oakdale, we will require a copy for review to understand whether we can add you to our waiting list.
If your diagnostic assessment was carried out by Oakdale, you must ensure you have received your copy of the report before referring but do not need to provide the report to us.
We want to be completely transparent about the cost of this service. You will only be expected to pay if you are added to the waiting list.
Everyone’s titration and prescribing journey is unique to them, so the overall cost can vary.
Where it is decided medicines are not a safe option, or you choose not to progress to further stages, you will not be expected to pay for future stages. Oakdale hopes this supports you to be in control of your pathway.
The Baseline Assessment and Titration fee will be split into two payments.
Adult: 1st payment: £595 2nd payment £895 = £1490 total cost
Child: 1st Payment £720 2nd payment £1075 = £1795 total cost
The first payment covers the information gathering, physical and first appointment checks required to make medication recommendations. At the end of this stage, if medication is safe for you / your child, Oakdale professionals will explain in the first appointment what medication and dosage would be recommended so that you can decide whether you want to progress to titration. If you choose to progress, payment 2 is due within 4 weeks of your first appointment.
The second payment covers titration. This is the management of starting and stabilising you / your child on the recommended medication and includes a series of appointments. Appointments will take place until you and your prescriber agree that symptoms are reduced and that medication is impacting positively on day to day life. It is also important to monitor any side effects of medication and titrate the dosage so that side effects experienced are tolerable.
You / your child may also require an ECG at this stage. If this is the case, there is an additional fee of £75 which covers the cost of the ECG and interpretation.
Ongoing prescribing costs are determined by whether your GP accepts Shared Care or not and whether your local Integrated Care Board (ICB) will pay for the specialist ADHD service required from Oakdale.
At the end of the titration phase, Oakdale would usually write to your / your child’s GP to see whether they will agree to a Shared Care arrangement. Shared care is where your GP takes responsibility for providing you / your child with repeat prescriptions and monitors progress, whilst Oakdale remain the ADHD specialist available to provide advice to the GP and to complete an annual review of the effectiveness of the prescribed medicines.
Oakdale will need to provide all aspects of care linked to medication if the GP chooses not to accept Shared Care. You may need to pay for a combination of services outlined below, dependent on your GP and ICB decisions.
Scenario 1 : NHS Funded Care
Your / your child’s GP accepts Shared Care with Oakdale and the ICB will pay for Oakdale’s specialist services.
This means the NHS are funding your care. The only cost to you would be for the NHS Prescription charge (if applicable to you / your child).
Scenario 2: Self-funded Ongoing Prescriptions, Monitoring and Specialist Provider Services
Shared Care is declined by your / your child’s GP AND the ICB has declined to pay the specialist provider costs.
This will cost you £150 per month by direct debit (£1800 per year) plus the cost of medicines at the pharmacy, which are at your pharmacist’s discretion.
This cost includes ongoing monitoring, advice, physical checks, private prescriptions and scheduled reviews.
Scenario 3: Optional Six Month Monitoring Phase
If the client’s GP is unsure about agreeing to shared care and/or the client chooses to remain with Oakdale for a further period of monitoring following a successful titration stage, there is an option to enter into a 6-month monitoring phase.
Opting to pay Oakdale to monitor and carry out specialist oversight of you / your child’s care and the prescriptions for 6 months after titration can give GP’s additional reassurance that your / your child’s medication is truly stabilised and give them confidence to enter a shared care arrangement at the end of this period (Scenario 1) or if you wish to continue self-funding, you can move to Scenario 2.
This optional 6 month monitoring phase would cost you £900. None of the payments in scenario 1 and 2 are applicable within this 6 month period.
In addition to the three previously mentioned scenarios, in very rare circumstances the following scenarios may take place:
Scenario 4: Self-funded Specialist Provider Services
Your / your child’s GP accepts Shared Care but the ICB has refused to pay for Oakdale’s specialist services.
This will cost you £300 per year plus the cost of NHS prescriptions.
Where you are receiving an NHS prescription, the standard NHS fee is £9.90 if you pay for your prescriptions.
Where you are receiving a private prescription, the cost of filling this can vary and is your pharmacy’s decision. Usually, paying privately costs between £15-140 per month.
Click here to refer for Oakdale’s self funded ADHD medication service.
Call us on 01422 652 652 (choose option 1 followed by option 1 again) if you would like to request a paper copy of the referral form.
Your GP must refer you / your child to this service. They will ask you about your reasons for referral for medication so it is a good idea to go to your appointment ready to discuss how ADHD is impacting on your / your child’s life eg: personal life and relationships, access to work, education.
If your GP refers you, the ADHD Medication service can be funded via NHS Right To Choose / NHS Patient Choice, meaning you can receive the service you need, and the process is provided by NHS funding.
You would only pay the standard NHS prescription fee (if you pay for your prescriptions).
The service is opening soon for NHS clients registered with a GP in West Yorkshire.
If you are registered with a GP outside West Yorkshire, your GP must refer you / your child to this service. They will ask you about your reasons for referral for medication so it is a good idea to go to your appointment ready to discuss how ADHD is impacting on your / your child’s life eg: personal life and relationships, access to work, education.
To ensure safe prescribing in line with NICE guidance and our CQC registration, we do not offer an ADHD medication service without a diagnosis of ADHD.
If you think you might have ADHD and would benefit from an assessment, please click here to find out more about our assessment services.
No. Our service currently only prescribes the 5 medications licensed for ADHD treatment in line with NICE guidance (NG87) which are Methylphenidate, Lidexamfetamine, Dexamfetamine, Atomoxetine and Guanfacine (children only).
Please call us on 01422 652652 to arrange this.
Some reports do not meet NICE guidelines for safe prescribing and we must ensure we are a safe service. If we are unable to accept your diagnostic report, we will always let you know why and communicate suggested next steps. We don’t take any payments until after reviewing your diagnostic report, so no charge will be made.
Unfortunately, we are not currently accepting referrals for clients who are already being prescribed medication.
We have a policy on covert medication and can support this if required.
Although we are aware of recent shortages, most supply chains are returning to normal and prescribers will ensure they are not initiating anyone on medications or dosages that we wouldn’t be able to get via pharmacies.
Shared care is where your GP takes responsibility for providing you / your child with repeat prescriptions and monitors progress, whilst Oakdale remain the ADHD specialist available to provide advice to the GP and to complete an annual review of the effectiveness of the prescribed medicines.
Choosing to accept Shared Care or not is always at your GP’s discretion. You may want to discuss whether this is something they would consider before referring. Oakdale will need to provide all aspects of care linked to medication if the GP chooses not to accept Shared Care.
If your / your child’s GP is not able to accept shared responsibility for non-specialist parts of medication monitoring, review and prescribing, then Oakdale are able to offer continued prescribing in addition to the specialist reviews. This comes at a cost, which is explained earlier on this page under the heading “What will it cost?”
As you are self-funding, your appointments will be significantly sooner than if you transferred immediately to the NHS service. We would like to discuss your options with you to make sure you still receive the care you have already paid for. Please email the ADHD Medication team at adhdmedication.admin@oakdalecentre.org to discuss your individual circumstances.
You should hear from us within approximately 1 week of referral. If you have not heard from us within this time, please contact us by email or telephone for an update.
You will need to ask your GP to refer using our form.
Your GP will need to also send a copy of you/your child’s ADHD diagnostic report.
They will also ask you about your reasons for referral for medication so it is a good idea to go to your appointment ready to discuss how ADHD is impacting on your / your child’s life eg: personal life and relationships, access to work, education. Starting the process does not mean medication will be suitable / prescribed for all clients.
To ensure safe prescribing in line with NICE guidance and our CQC registration, we do not offer an ADHD medication service without a diagnosis of ADHD.
If you think you might have ADHD and would benefit from an assessment, please click here to find out more about our assessment services.
No. Our service currently only prescribes the 5 medications licensed for ADHD treatment in line with NICE guidance (NG87) which are Methylphenidate, Lidexamfetamine, Dexamfetamine, Atomoxetine and Guanfacine (children only).
Some reports do not meet NICE guidelines for safe prescribing and we must ensure we are a safe service. If we are unable to accept your diagnostic report, we will always let your GP know why and communicate suggested next steps.
Unfortunately, at this stage of mobilising our service, we are not currently accepting referrals for clients who are already being prescribed medication.
We have a policy on covert medication and can support this if required.
Although we are aware of recent shortages, most supply chains are returning to normal and prescribers will ensure they are not initiating anyone on medications or dosages that we wouldn’t be able to get via pharmacies.
Shared care is where your GP takes responsibility for providing you / your child with repeat prescriptions and monitors progress, whilst Oakdale remain the ADHD specialist available to provide advice to the GP and to complete an annual review of the effectiveness of the prescribed medicines.
Choosing to accept Shared Care or not is always at your GP’s discretion. You may want to discuss whether this is something they would consider before referring.
Oakdale will need to provide all aspects of care linked to medication if the GP chooses not to accept Shared Care. This will not affect the standard NHS prescription cost to you (if you pay for your prescriptions).
If your / your child’s GP is not able to accept shared responsibility for non-specialist parts of medication monitoring, review and prescribing, then Oakdale are able to offer continued prescribing in addition to the specialist reviews.
Oakdale will need to provide all aspects of care linked to medication if the GP chooses not to accept Shared Care. This will not affect the standard NHS prescription cost to you (if you pay for your prescriptions).
As you are self-funding, your appointments will be significantly sooner than if you transferred immediately to the NHS service. We would like to discuss your options with you to make sure you still receive the care you have already paid for. Please email the ADHD Medication team at adhdmedication.admin@oakdalecentre.org to discuss your individual circumstances.
You should hear from us within approximately 2 weeks of referral, though this can take a little longer at busier times. If you have not heard from us within this time, please check your referral was sent by your GP before making contact with us for an update.
If you have more questions about the Oakdale ADHD Medication Service, please email adhdmedication.admin@oakdalecentre.org
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